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Friday, February 12, 2010


I can't beileve I was woken up at the ass crack of dawn, before that sun, no not really before the sun but it was extremely early. My mom has OCD but she hasn't been diagnosed yet. There can be no other explaination for the madness... I was to get up straight out of my sleep,crust still in my eyes, breath still humming, to shovel my driveway with my annoying, Twilight/ Boy obsessed 13 years young sister, on this EARLY Thursday morning. I can't think of a better way to start my day than that. I still had my eye mask on and that lump that came along with it because of last night.( I had to go to the bathroom and it was dark, about 3 or 4 a.m. I felt my way to the door, opened it, and BAM!!! Straight into the door post. I tried to feel the damage on my forehead and thats when I realized why it was so damn dark. I still had the mask on.) I got up and walked downstairs with my mom still nagging. I had a horrible headache and it was frezzing on the first floor of my house, and my mom kept going. I slipped my boots on, donned my coat and gloves and headed out the door only to realize.... I was in boxers.

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