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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


HEY... you want to know the best ways to get through life? Follow these rules:

1. Never start a friendship/ relationship with a lie. You never know how far you are going to get with this person. You might even fall in love and one day the truth will come out.
2. Never get to clingy. In the first few months,THAT MEANS YOU TOO LADIES, DO NOT ASK TO MANY QUESTIONS! For example, " Who was that?", "Where you going tonight?"," Do you love me?", "What do you want this to be?", and "what do you look for in a partner?" The reason for this rule is the wrong questions can mess up everything. If your not serious yet it is none of your business.
3. Keep yourself unavilable. Spend time with him, YEAH, but DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT make yourself avilable for him/her whenever he/she wants.
4. Do nopt over do it. If you really like this person show them the real you cause if you act like someone your not you never know if they will like the real you and you might end up cating for most of the relationship.
1. Listen to your parents NO MATTER WHAT! Yes they may be wrong sometimes or they may bug you to do something but look what they have done for you. Raised you, keep you clothed, sheltered and safe from harm. The least you can do is listen to them because it is not easy raising a child.
2. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. If you practice keeping your parents house clean it is almost 100% that you will bring those habits to your own home one day.
3. TRY not to fight with siblings. I know it is hard but they are the closest friends you will ever have.
1. Go! Yes things may stop you, BRING A NOTE. But to just not come to school just because you do not feel like it is just stupid. This is your fututre and to give it a few hours out of the day is not much to ask.
2. Do Homework. It is the best way to study, especially Math. Practice does make perfect. For every 1 hour in class spend 2 hopurs at home studying. It pays off.
3. Avoid Drama. There's no point of it. It can only lead to bad things.

So try my method and see if your life improves
Results may vary.

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