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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tweekin in A.C

I went to Atlantic City this weekend. I used to live there and alot of my friends have been begging me to come back and visit caus eI'm awesome. Anywho I spent the night there at this hotel that we had a party in, I had a blast by the way, and woke up early the next day cause I was supposed to go home. The main person I went to the city to see had to work the day I got there so when I left to go home I stopped to see him. His name is EYEZ because he is a black boy with green eyes. When I finally saw him I ran up to him to give him a hug and kiss. Everyone thinks we mess around cause i sit on his lap and things like that but it's nothing like that. he took me to his friends house to hang out and that's when I saw him. This white boy with sky blue eyes and a sexy face. Tweek. I knew I had to have him when I laid my eyes on him and I knew by the way he looked at me he wanted me to. After hanging out with them ( I'm almost always the only girl) I had to leave to catch my bus home. When EYEZ and I left the first thing I said was, " I want your friend" and he answered, " I know" :) He knows me to well.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The hyperbole hangover

I am not a drinker...not at all and now i truely know why. I did some soul searching, I hate the sick feeling you have in the morning. The piercing headaches, unsteady stomache, and constant dizziness. The worst of it is I had class today, I had to go back in time for history all messed up in the head. I feel like crap and it's raining cats and dogs!!! Why do people do this to themselves? Kill themselves? Self inflict this tourture? I can never, I WILL NEVER do this to myself again. When I woke up my head was split in half. I had to use super, crazy, out of this world, glue to put it back together. I was so tired I couldn't see through the ocean blurring my vision. But when I looked in the mirror it wasnt had to spot to L.V baggadge under my eyes. I will Never drink again......

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Going to see my FATHER

Im never going to live through this... That's exactly what I told myself as I stood there, staring at my fathers totaled car at 4 a.m. What do to? What to say? I would have to lie! Man why did I constantly do this to myself? I always get myself into something and I want to kick myself in the ass later for doing it. Stupid Asiah, stupis stupid Asiah!!!! Thats when it happened, Beyonce's "DADDY" began to play on my phone. It was him. My hand viciously trembled as I reached for the dreaded phone. I had no time for words "Asiah Korin Kearney!!!" Oh yeah, he was mad. "DAD?" I tried to keep my voice steady. I'm my fathers' child, he knows me very well. "What the hell did you do to my car Korin?" He said through his teeth. He knew something bad had happened. "Well dad," I began, " I was on my way back from a party and a pole suddenly used its gravitational pull to drag the car toward it and the car crashed." It was the best I could do with the little bit of tmie I had. " Gravitational pull huh?" He said sounding quite amused my my story and lack of realistic facts. "Yes dad I swear to grod" I tried to slip that one by him.
"O really,cause last time I checked His name was God." No matter what I called Him, it didn't matter I would see Him soon enough.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day

My Valentimes Day was quite an experience. I spent the night at ROCKS house. When I walked in he gave me a hug and a kiss and handed me some flowers. Next he gave two boxes of chocolate and walked away before I got the chance to give him my gift that I MADE for him. (homemade is always special) Then he walked back in the roon with a box thats read "GUCCI". Jewelery is the first thing that came to mind but when I opened it, it was a change purse. A very small change purse and i loved it. But the rest of the day I was alone. All alone in HIS house cause he said he would spend time with me later. EVERY year he does this to me I don't know why I expected different this one. Well when he got back home I left. I figured I'd spend the rest of the day with someone who wanted to be with me but he wouldn't let me leave so we fought. Same as every valentines day. I can't wait to spend it with someone who loves me for real.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Ketchup (da trouble im n!)

hay cince it sknowed i wanted tu ketchup. well i fownd owt i luv sumoun. (very furst blog) SWEETS iz hiz name. well da case iz dat i cant hav hym n it killz mi. if onlee if onlee like romeo and juliet. nd wear iz mah fair romeo? jus arownd da corna butt paynfully out of reatch. wen icey him i want so bad to grab at'um n let da kidd no i deserve him n he deserves me. to make madders wurs hiz past consists of peaces of m-eye own. hiz onlee luv iz my 10 year bes frend (NEEK) n hiz right hand iz ROCK(furst blog) now mi sister brittney (secund blog) iz finally leavin her "1st luv" ,den axed mi tu b "matchmaker" so i obliged. i wood hook her up wit SWEETZ. evury button i hyt tu dial hiz numba mayd m-eye fingaz bern. da words wuren't going tu cum owt rite n i new it, so i ended da kall. "texin wood b betta" i desided tu m-eyesef. i even cent a pikture. i guess u can say i want him n m-eye lyfe so i did dat, butt i didn't realize dat until jus now....well da twisted conclusion to m-eye str8 off da MAURY SHOW story is a feu months bak NEEK left SWEETZ for her now boifrend (BOWE). BOWE & SWEETZ grew up togetha. now ROCK iz afraid tu trust SWEETZ n SWEETZ won't du dat to ROCK cuz he nose wut it feelz lyke. DA TROUBLE IM N!!!


I can't beileve I was woken up at the ass crack of dawn, before that sun, no not really before the sun but it was extremely early. My mom has OCD but she hasn't been diagnosed yet. There can be no other explaination for the madness... I was to get up straight out of my sleep,crust still in my eyes, breath still humming, to shovel my driveway with my annoying, Twilight/ Boy obsessed 13 years young sister, on this EARLY Thursday morning. I can't think of a better way to start my day than that. I still had my eye mask on and that lump that came along with it because of last night.( I had to go to the bathroom and it was dark, about 3 or 4 a.m. I felt my way to the door, opened it, and BAM!!! Straight into the door post. I tried to feel the damage on my forehead and thats when I realized why it was so damn dark. I still had the mask on.) I got up and walked downstairs with my mom still nagging. I had a horrible headache and it was frezzing on the first floor of my house, and my mom kept going. I slipped my boots on, donned my coat and gloves and headed out the door only to realize.... I was in boxers.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Night in the library

Very long ago, my grandmother on my fathers side was a cleaner for the Lakewood library. She would work at about 8 or 9 at night. One night she had to bring my sisters and I with her because she had no one to watch us. When we got there one of my genius sisters opened the door and the alarm went off. Finally my grandmother got it to turn off and we entered the library excited to be there after hours. Ashley, the oldest, was trying to "hack" into the computer along with the third oldest, Brittney. While they were on the computers, Valerie, the second oldest, was walking around aimlessly and I, the youngest of this "group" was looking at the Animorphs books which were close to the window (an important detail). During my deep concentration into this series of books I hear a voice that doesn't sound like any of my sisters. (Maybe because it was a mans voice) I look over and I saw a police officer on his radio."I have three young females in the public library after closing", they must not have seen Valerie. All I could say was "OH MY GOD, it's the COPS!!!" After I got out of my state of shock. We had absolutly no reason to run or hide but we did. We were crawling, ducking, rolling, trying to find somewhere to hide. We suddenly found ourselves in an office hiding under the desks. Valerie kept saying not to touch anyhting because we were going to go to court and if they dusted for fingerprints we would go to jail for sure. Ashley and brittney werer being very serious and mature, meanwhile Valerie was crying histericly. She said " If grandma goes to jail who's going to take care of us? Your father can't do it (we had different father's but we were raised together) he ain't got no job!" Now that made me laugh and laugh. I laughed so hard a started to cry but I kept laughing so Ashley and Brittney started to get mad and yelled at me. At last we decided to look for grandma. We found her and explained to her what happened and what we saw, she went to the police, who were at that very moment trying to gain access into the library, and explained to them that she worked there and we were juist there with her. They said they came over because thay heard the alarm go off and wanted to check it out. We all looked at Brittney and pretty much said, " Way to go."